Adventure Island |
Adventure Island 3 |
Adventures of Lolo |
Arkanoid |
B-Wings |
Balloon Fight |
Banana Prince |
Baseball Stars |
Batman: The Video Game |
Battle City |
Bio Hazard (Unl) |
Blades of Steel |
Blaster Master |
Bomberman |
Boulder Dash |
Bubble Bobble |
Bubble Bobble Part 2 |
Bugs Bunny Crazy Castle, The |
Captain America and the Avengers |
Captain Tsubasa II: Super Striker |
Castelian |
Castlevania |
Castlevania II: Simon's Quest |
Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse |
Circus Charlie |
Conquest of the Crystal Palace |
Crash 'n the Boys: Ice Challenge |
Crash 'n' the Boys: Street Challenge |
Crystalis |
Deep Dungeon III: Yuushi e no Tabi |
Destiny of an Emperor |
Dig Dug II: Trouble in Paradise |
Don Doko Don 2 |
Donkey Kong |
Donkey Kong 3 |
Dr. Mario |
Dragon Warrior (Major) |
Dragon Warrior (Minor) |
Dragon Warrior III |
Duck Hunt |
EarthBound Beginnings |
Eliminator Boat Duel |
Final Fantasy |
Final Fantasy II |
Fire Emblem Gaiden |
Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light |
Friday the 13th |
Ghosts'n Goblins |
Golgo 13: Top Secret Episode |
Gradius |
Guardian Legend, The |
Gun.Smoke |
Hammerin' Harry |
Ice Climber |
Iron Tank: The Invasion of Normandy |
Isolated Warrior |
Jackal |
Jackie Chan's Action Kung Fu |
Kid Icarus |
Kung Fu |
Kyatto Ninden Teyandee |
Legacy of the Wizard |
Legend of Zelda, The (Major) |
Legend of Zelda, The (Minor) |
Lode Runner |
Mach Rider |
Mafat Conspiracy, The |
Maniac Mansion |
Mario Bros. |
Mega Man |
Mega Man II |
Mega Man III |
Mega Man IV |
Mega Man V |
Mega Man VI |
Metal Gear |
Metroid ( Minor) |
Metroid (Major) |
Monster in My Pocket |
Moon Crystal |
Ms. Pac-Man |
Ms. Pac-Man (Tengen) |
Ninja Gaiden |
Nuts & Milk |
Pac-Man |
Pinball |
Power Blade |
R.B.I. Baseball |
Rad Racer II |
Rainbow Islands |
River City Ransom |
Rockin' Kats |
Rollergames |
Saiyuuki World |
Shadow of the Ninja |
Shadowgate |
ShockWave |
Snake's Revenge |
Space Invaders |
Spelunker |
Street Fighter 2010: The Final Fight |
Strider |
Super Dodge Ball |
Super Mario Bros. (Graphics) |
Super Mario Bros. (Major) |
Super Mario Bros. (Minor) |
Super Mario Bros. 1, 2, 3 |
Super Mario Bros. 2 (Graphics) |
Super Mario Bros. 2 (Major) |
Super Mario Bros. 2 (Minor) |
Super Mario Bros. 3 (Graphics) |
Super Mario Bros. 3 (Major) |
Super Mario Bros. 3 (Minor) |
Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels |
Super Mario World (Unl) |
Tecmo Super Bowl |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Arcade Game |
Tiny Toon Adventures |
Toxic Crusaders |
U-four-ia: The Saga |
Ultima: Exodus |
Urban Champion |
Wagyan Land |
Wagyan Land 2 |
Wagyan Land 3 |
Wizards & Warriors |
Wrecking Crew |
Zelda II: The Adventure of Link |